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Developing a Theory of Change with writting on blue cards of paper.


Passionate about effective communication, evaluation use and skill building

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Dr. Samantha Abbato is is the Director of Visual Insights People, a dynamic, multidisciplinary team using a pictures and stories approach to evaluation.

Dr. Samantha Abbato


Sam is a highly experienced evaluator and researcher with more than 25 years working across a range of contracts in Australia and the U.K. She has a depth of knowledge in the health and community sectors, working with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander and culturally and linguistically diverse communities as well as older people and people with dementia.

She is a passionate and skilled evaluation trainer, committed to rigorous methods, effective communication and increasing the accessibility of evaluation tools.

As the director of Visual Insights People, Sam challenges the common approach to evaluation by sharing knowledge and skills through a 'pictures and stories' approach.

Theory of Change workshop
Visual Insights People Team.


Established in Brisbane in 2013, Visual Insights People is a multi-disciplinary team of experienced evaluation, communication and systems thinking professionals. We share the common vision of improving the lives of people experiencing vulnerability by contributing to strengthening community organisations.


Sam provides regular face-to-face and online workshops with the Australasian Evaluation Society (AES). Accompanied by members of the Visual Insights team and other multi-disciplinary specialists, Sam teaches online courses and providers individual and team coaching through the Visual Insights People website.

Dr. Samantha Abbato
Dr. Samantha Abbato with client.


Sam offers a range of research and evaluation consultancy services based a depth of experience and qualifications in quantitative and qualitative methods. Sam employs a utilisation-focused approach and specialises in digital evaluation story. She uses collaborative processes that consistently incorporate skills transfer to clients.

Participant being filmed with Digital Kit.
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